“There is no spot of ground, however arid, bare or ugly, that cannot be tamed into such a state as may give an impression of beauty and delight.” Gertrude Jekyll
And our spot of ground is looking good and seems to delight our visitors.
I can’t believe it’s September already and autumn has started. September is seen as a month of harvesting. The Welsh name for September, Medi, means harvest for example. And we are harvesting our veg along with everyone else.
We’ve started tidying plants up as they get past their best. Some have suffered from the recent dry spell, so we have been watering floppy sunflowers and curling leaves when we can.There’s still plenty of flowers for the bees though and lots of colour.
The last of the beans are being picked. And squash and courgettes. The lettuce and spinach are being cut regularly. I don’t actually like spinach, but I use it in curries and smoothies. At the moment I am pureeing it and then pouring it into an ice cube tray. When it’s frozen I put the cubes into a bag in the freezer. That way it’s handy to add to whatever I am preparing.
We’ve grown yellow, orange and red tomatoes, but only the yellow and orange have been ready to pick. It seems the red ones are going to be the last to ripen. All the more to make green tomato chutney with perhaps?
The berries on the two trees next to the bench have turned from green to white now. They look really pretty hanging down. The birds will love to eat these when the colder weather comes.
Talking of birds, someone went a bit mad with the birdseed and nuts last week. I found out that it was done by some well-meaning visitors. We try to keep our bird seed in the area where the feeders are. That way there is only one area that people with a nut allergy need to avoid. It also helps us avoid attracting too many vermin.
The book tree has been very busy over the summer. Particularly with kid’s books being borrowed. The sensory games in the tree keep disappearing though, but I am replacing them when I can. Hopefully borrowers will realise that they shouldn’t be removed from the garden.
I keep meeting local visitors who tell me their kids are insisting on being taken to the garden, sometimes every day. The parents like the way that the kids are finding lots to do there, while they sit down and rest. The dinosaurs and cars are so popular.
The Blooming Old Gardener