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  • Writer's pictureThe Blooming Old Gardener

Two Canals, a River and a Wigg Island Wander

Date: December 17th 2022

Our first 'Old Town Bloom on Tour' adventure was going to be centred around our local feathered friends, so we bagged up some seed suitable for garden birds and canal dwelling birds.

As we are trying to be more environmentally conscious, we had a special stamp made (so we could reduce printing and waste paper) and also used washi tape instead of sellotape, so that everything could be recycled after we were done.

The ‘Old Town Bloom on Tour’ walk and litter pick was going to be from the Old Town Bloom Garden to Norton Priory along the Bridgewater Canal, but one dramatic fall on one’s bottom (not naming names) soon led to a quick change of ideas!

The canal nearest to the garden, which is the Bridgewater Canal, had frozen up and we knew that some of the birds would be struggling for food. So armed with the packs of food we had prepared for our walk, we headed up the canal.

(no ducks were harmed in the making of this video)

Once we were satisfied that this section of the canal had received enough food, we moved onto the Runcorn Promenade - unfortunately there's a rat problem, so we moved on and left an angry crowd behind us (sorry feathered friends). It's such a great place to see the Silver Jubilee Bridge in all its glory though.

Our final stop was Wigg Island - Wigg Island covers 23 hectares of reclaimed industrial land, although we only walked a small part of it that day! We replenished some of the easier to reach bird hides and were immediately rewarded with beautiful robins and frisky squirrels!

Our leftover birdseed packs went into our book tree in the garden, with a note explaining what they were. It wasn't the walk we had intended, but it was great to explore our local area, even in a limited way.

Old Town Bloom on Tour has been funded by the LCR Combined Authority - Community Environment Fund.

You can also find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter - so follow along as we go on our adventures

Did you know that you can also follow along with other projects funded by the LCR Combined authority - Community Environment Fund - including our friends VPET!

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